Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tudung biru

As salam...hi everyone!!! dah sebulan baru nak update tudung, hehe.. I am just a beginner..nak mastering' teknik 3d konon2 lerr.. Apa nak dikatakan lagi, within 2-3 minggu baru dapat sekuntum bunga..sib baik bukan sekuntum bunga cina... itu tak ambil kira daun pula. As a first timer I saw an embroidery project using it and wanted to try it in my jom jamu mata dengan hidangan yang tak seberapa ini..

Basically you string a few beads, center them on the string, and work the project.
I am sorry for the blur pic, do not request for clearer pic hehe...
Happy beading..


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